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Chaussée de Louvain 242,
1000 Région de Bruxelles-Capital

Thrusday 25th July – € donnation

☛ 19:00-23:00 – 4h of continuous sound and visual performance
With G.I.A.S.O and OFFAL


An online cross-border orchestra developed by APO33 for the purpose of creating networked performance spaces.

The Great international Audio Streaming Orchestra uses Icestream to perform and mix different audio streams. In the performance space the streams are then composed through a spatialization creating a free-multi-directional net-radio system. GIASO performs with new ways for orchestra composition where the composer becomes a virtual entity that emerges from a community of audio explorers/nodes.


A collective of female laptopists who want to make music with other female laptopists.

OFFAL is an international collective of women laptop performers who devise performances involving multi-location collaborative improvisation. The group was formed in 2015 in response to research around gender in digital technology and laptop ensemble practice . As a non-hierarchical collective it aims to connect an international group of women engaged in electronic music by developing technological systems and organisational structures that facilitate collaboration. The group provides a platform for the creation and performance of new laptop music by women.

    Eliza Struthers-jobinis an artist and programmer from Montreal, Canada, currently based in Paris, France. Fusing interests in sound and movement, she works with emerging technologies creating real-time interactive audio visual installations and web-based playgrounds.
    Lina Bautista (SP) is media artist, performer and artistic developer of applications for music and sound. She is member of Orquestra del Caos and Sons de Barcelona. Professor of new technologies on music and sound.
    Libertad Figueroa (MX) performs and improvises live-coded music with SuperCollider; senior student of the BA in Communication Science (Faculty of Political and Social Sciences-UNAM).
    Amble Skuse (UK) writes music which interfaces live performers with interactive technology.
    Diana Medina (SP) is a classically trained singer, sound designer and sound artist. Currently working in interaction of stimulus and perception through multimedia-sound installations.
    Jenny Pickett (FR) is a member of the artists’ collective APO33, exploring various collaborative approaches with works that cross electronic music and visual arts and activism.